Sunday, 25 November 2012

growing journal part 2

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I am really surprise by the time taken to germinate those seeds !

25/11/2012 all 7 seeds germinated i think this is going to be an interesting grow
i made some pic to show you a bit of the process the first pic are of the seeds popping out

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so i put my seeds in the pots that i prepared yesterday and watered them

you will be asking your self why i am growing them with such a simple set up .
well i have read a lot of stuff over the year in the internet of people doing very complicated things to growing they plants and i think it is a waist of time and money cannabis is the stronger plant the there is in this heart and it grows by it self one time you do not give them too much food or water i have seen cannabis plants growing in places where there is seldom rain and growing out of rocks so i want to show to beginner that it is not a big fuss to grow cannabis

the grass grows by it self


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